April 2023
I'm delighted that my painting 'In for Milking' has been acceoted for the 193rd RHA Annual Exhibition open from 22nd May to 30th July 2023.
March 2023
Delighted to have my work is included in this exhibition
Limerick City Gallery of Art
Permanent Collection Spring Exhibitions 2023
10 February - 30 April 2023
Limerick City Gallery of Art
Limerick City Gallery of Art (LCGA) is delighted to exhibit this selection from the Permanent Collections depicting landscapes, seascapes capturing the atmosphere of the Irish landscapes.
Artists featured include: Arthur Briscoe; Lilian Davidson; E. M Dickey; Lady K. Dobbin; Alexander Douglas; Frank Egginton; Mike Fitzharris; Percy French; W. F. G; Rev. Jack. P. Hanlon; Eva Hamilton; Letitia Hamilton; Henri Hayden; Kate Hennessy; Patrick Hennessy; Paul Henry; Evie Hone; Nathaniel Hone; Alex Jamieson; Maine Jellet; A. P. Jury; Vera Klute; Charles Lamb; William Leech; Elizabeth Magill; Maurice MacGonigal; Frank McKelvey; David Nash; Dermod O'Brien; Fergus O'Ryan; R. M. Patterson; Jack B. Yeats; Walter Verling; Maurice Wilks.
Exhibition in Carnegie Gallery on first floor features works by:
Arthur Armstrong; C. W. Bion; Dietrich Blodau; Constance E. Brown; Mary Burke; James Humbert Craig; Mikel Chaussepied; David Clarke; Michael Cullen; J. C. Dollman; Eva H. Hamilton; Sean Keating; William Leech; Letita M. Hamilton; Jeremiah Hodges Mulcahy; James Arthur O'Connor; Mick O'Dea; Henry O'Neill; W. E. Horsbrugh Porter; A.E. George Russell; Thomas Ryan; Walter Verling.
February 2023
Great turn out for the launch of the RUA RED Spring Open Exhibition
January 2023
I'm delighted that Morgan Murphy's Barn will be exhibited in the RUA RED Spring Open exhibition. The show opens on February 24th and continues until April 22nd.
November 2022
August 2022
About to stretch and prime a large canvas.
I'm delighted to be featured on Agriland.
July 2022
Great weiather for fixing a large oil pastel on the patio.
May 2022
Great review of the RHA Annual Exhibition by Aidan Dunne in the Irish Time. Delighted to be mentioned.
Varnishing Day at the RHA. I'm delighted that one of my farm paintings is included in this years exhibition.
' Milking at Knockainey', Oil Pastel on Canvas, 100 cm x 150 cm.
Learning to fly my new drone.
Looking forward to discovering my new drone courtesy of a professional development grant from Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Arts Office.
April 2022
Delighted to learn that 'Milking at Knockainey' Oil Pastel on Canvas 100cm x 150 cm has been acceoted for the 192nd RHA Annual Exhibition opening in May.
March 2022
Good attendance at the round Table talk Yesterday at the Laois Arthouse.
With Cristin Leach, Jen Donnery, Martin Gale, Muireann Ni Chonaill and Monica Flynn.
Looking forward to participating in this event celebrating 10 years of the Laois Arthouse
Delighted to be exhibiting in the Hamilton Gallery’s Eva Gore Booth Exhibition at the Irish Embassy in Beijing as part of their International Womens Day celebration .
19 works from the original exhibition are represented. Congratulations to Martina and her team at the Hamilton Gallery for organising this.
January 2022
Delighted to be part of the St. Brigid's Well Exhibition | 86 Irish women artists respond to a new poem by Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin | Hamilton Gallery | From 1st February 2022
December 2021
Delighted to be included in this group exhibition at Limerick City Gallery of Art selections from the permanent collectiond
Delighted that my Spare Tyres painting has found a new home in County Limerick.
November 2021
Great to see my painting reproduced in the Irish Arts Review. I am delighted to have received an invitation to exhibit in this exhibition celebrating 10 years of the Laois Arthouse. The Arthouse is the brainchild of Muireann Ní Chonnaill, Arts Officer for County Laois and has been a catalyst for much creativity and many successful art projects and masterclasses. I have had a fantastic association with Laois and in particular Stradbally over the last number of years. This exhibition is curated by Monica Flynn and runs from December 6th 2021- February 26th 2022.
Motherboard City. Oil Pastl on canvas. 30cmx30cm.
September 2021
Delighted to be at Varnishing Day at the RHA Today. The exhibition continues until 30th October.
Researching a new project in South Tipperary and paid a visit to the home of my great great grandparents Samuel Burke and Catherine Rice
Samuel Burke and Catherine Rice with 15 of their 16 children including two of my great grand fathers Edward and Michael Burke. Circa 1974
August 2021
I'm delighted to have 'Spare Tyres' selected for this years RHA Annual Exhibition. The exhibition is due to open to the public 27th September.
July 2021
This weeks Leinster Express
The banner has arrived for my exhibition at the Laois Art House.
A night view of the Laois Arthouse with my exhibition installed in the gallery.
My work has been installed in the ArtHouse in advance of my exhibition opening to the public next week.
Looking forward to my residency and exhibition in Stradbally at the Laois Art House
'..when the master's buried mice can play' Delighted to be part of in 'Meditations in Time of Civil War' exhibition at the Hamilton Gallery, Sligo.
The exhibition continues until September 18th.
June 2021
Last chance to see At Home on the Farm. Closes Today at 5pm. Photograph by Alan Place
Last Tuesday 15th June at 2pm, LCGA were delighted to host some very special guests to a socially distanced visit to the gallery. In
attehnance were the farmers who participated in the exhibition AT HOME ON THE FARM, the artist Mary Burke,alonside Abul Kalam Azad Talukder
(Deputy Mayor of the City and County of Limerick. As a gesture of thanks each farmer was presented with a digital print of their chosen work from
the exhibition. Photographs by Alan Place.
With the Macnamaras from Knockainey and Deputy Mayor Talukder.
Young Conor Macnamara compliments my colour palette perfectly!
With artist Robert Ryan and his brother farmer David Ryan and Deputy Mayor Talukder.
With the Murphys from Kilmallock and Deputy Mayor Talukder.
With the Brownes from Thomastown Cross, Kilmallock and Deputy Mayor Talukder.
With the Danahers from Shanagolden and Deputy Mayor Talukder.
May 2021
My exhibition At Home on the Farm has been extended until June 27th. You can now visit and view it in the upstairs galleries or take a look
online here.
April 2021
Talking about my paintings at LCGA. View Here.
Take a virtual walk through my exhibition at LCGA here
March 2021
Farmers Journal 11th March.
Looking forward to participating in this Webinar for IWD (International Womens Day) 2021: Choose To Challenge at 2pm March 8th 2021. Organised by Limerick City Art Gallery to coincide with my exhibition:
For IWD 2021 we have gathered a group of women who choose to challenge.
Each is a farmer, working on a farm of differing scale and size.
Each of these women shows a deep commitment to the land, the places in which they live and the fragile ecosystems which support all of us who share the planet.
Each is continually adapting her practice.
June Danaher runs a social farm in West Limerick, Sheila Flanagan raised in the city, runs Artfarm where she cultivates artistic and community practice, Lisa Fingleton farms in Kerry and is a practicing environmental artist as is Breda Larkin, farming her family homeplace and working as a comedian and performance artist. This webinar also features Mary Burke, the artist behind this exhibition At Home on the Farm.
Our chair for the IWD gathering is Ella McSweeney, a regular presenter on RTE's very popular EAR TO THE GROUND, a writer and champion of farming. The discussion will explore each of the artist/farmer's work, the challenges facing each of them in their farming lives as women and how they challenge for change.
Delighted with Niall MacMonagle's piece in the Sunday Independant Today.
At Home on the Farm was featured on County Wide this morning on RTE Radio One. Listen back on the RTE website
June Danaher, one of the farmers featured in my exhibition, talks about her farm.
February 2021
Not only were my Limerick paintings featured in the Irish Times Today one of my Stradbally paintings did a photobomb on page 6
A huge thank you to Manchán Magan for his feature in Today's Irish Times Magazine.
My interview with Luke Clancy is due to be broadcast on Culture File on Lyric FM at 6.10 this evening.
Exhibition is being layed out in South Gallery and the North Gallery. Not Long now!
All packed and ready for collection
Starting to wrap work for my solo exhibition At Home on the Farm which will be exhibited at the Limerick City Gallery of Art from February 26th to May 2nd.
Visit it virtually from 26th February. Lots of online events in the pipeline.
January 2021
Photographing more of my paintings for the publication that will accompany my exhibition at Limerick City Gallery of Art in February.
December 2020
Busy finishing work for my upcoming solo exhibition ‘At Home on the Farm’ at Limerick City Gallery of Art which will open in February. Also delighted to have been awarded a Visual Arts Bursary from the Arts Council that will support me in starting to research and make new work next year.
November 2020
Staining and waxing frames in preparation for my exhibition at the Limerick City Gallery of Art.
October 2020
Starting a painting of tyres on Dan Browne's farm in Kilmallock.
September 2020
Fixing oil pastels on the patio. Preparation for my exhibition at the Limerick City Gallery of Art continues.
August 2020
Great day for fixing oil pastels in the garden. This is one of my farm paintings for a solo show at the Limerick City Gallery of Art next year.
July 2020
Progressing with my painting of John Mcnamara’s milking parlour.
This is one of a series of works I am making for a solo exhibition at the Limerick City Art Gallery in 2021.
June 2020
I have been invited to make a work in response to the poem 'Among The School Children' by WB Yeats for an exhibition featuring work by 115 artists at the Hamiliton Gallery in Sligo. A full colour catalogue has been produced to coinside with the exhibition.
The first verse of this poem refers to reader books which reminded me of my first school reader from the Happy Venture series recounting the adventures of Dick and Dora, Fluff the cat and Nip the dog. I have painted a couple of pages from Book One featuring Dick, Dora and Fluff. The blue background matches the colour of the desks we had in junior infants in 1964-65.
May 2020
Some pieces from a series of 25 small works recently commicioned by DLR County Counci. The Council gifted them to people in the county who were coocooning or self isolating.
April 2020
Making progress with my farm paintings.
March 2020
Kay's House. Oil Pastel on Canvas. 40 cm x 50 cm.
A recent commision to paint a home in Ramleh Park in Milltown.
Febuary 2020
Delighted to have been invited to exhibit in "Eva Gore-Booth - 93 women artists respond to her life and work".
The exhibition is curated by the Hamilton Gallery and hosted by Museum Literature Ireland as part of Lá Fhéile Bríde /St Brigid's Day - Celebrating the Creativity of Women, which is an initiative of Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
January 2020
My new project 'At home on the farm' is well underway now. I spent last summer visiting farms in county Limerick in preparation for a solo exhibition at Limerick City Art Gallery in 2021. Met some fabulous farmers in Kilmallock, Kilfinnane, Shanagolden, Lough Gur and Knockainey.
December 2019
Studio Today
November 2019
I am delighted that the book documenting my recent TOWNSCAPE project will be included in the Dublin Art Book Fair 2019 at Temple Bar Gallery.
The book was published
and funded by Laois County Council with assistance from Maynooth University. This fully illustrated publication contains essays by Professor Mary P Corcoran, head of the Department of Sociology at Maynooth University and by Jenny Haughton, Public Art Coordinator, along with an introduction by Muireann Ní Chonaill, Art Officer for Laois County Council and Curator of TOWNSCAPE. Copies availablefort €10. Preview the book here.
October 2019
I don't paint many landscapes. I completed this earlier this year.
Forttown, Tinahely. Oil Pastel on canvas 30cm x 30cm.
September 2019
There are still places on my Portfolio Course at IADT starting on October 12th. Suitable for students applying for CAO college entry for courses where a portfolio is mandatory.
Learn how to construct projects from concept to completion, how to use research notebooks, process images and develop ideas through 2D, 3D and colour. Students will learn how to create a comprehensive, personal, individual portfolio. A home study program will be an integral part of this course.
Course Leader: Mary Burke
Course code: S.A48 2019
Fee: €295
Commencement Date: October 12th 2019
Saturday afternoons 2-4 pm
Duration: 17 weeks
For further queries + questions please contact:
Delighted to have my work included in this exhibition which opens at the Irish Consulate in New York this evening.
Congratulations to Martina Hamilton of the Hamilton Gallery for making this show happen.
'Francis McDonagh married Sarah Chandley on the Twenty Fourth of June Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen.'
My grandparents married in 1919 and eventually bought a house on Booterstown Avenue
in Dublin where four generations of our family lived for 46 years. This is a view through the front door.
August 2019
Had a final look at the RHA Annual Exhibition which ends Tomorrow. Nice to see the red dot on my painting.
July 2019
My painting ‘Francis McDonagh married Sarah Chandley on the twenty fourth of June Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen’ is currently on show as part on the Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen exhibition at The Hamilton Gallery, and the Hyde Bridge Gallery in Sligo. The exhibition consists of 129 artists responses of Yeats poem Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen. My grandparents married in 1919 and eventually bought a house on Booterstown Avenue in Dublin where four generations of our family lived for 46 years. This is a view through the front door.
June 2019
There are still some places on my two summer courses at NCAD.
Colour Mixing Workshop*
Code: S D/P 103
Duration: 3 days
Times: 10am to 4pm daily
Dates: 24 to 26 June
Fee: €200
Tutor: Mary Burke
The purpose of this 3 day course is to introduce students to basic colour theory as it relates to painting and to provide a better understanding of how colours react with one another. This course will involve a series of exercises to give students a clear understanding of the colour wheel, primary and secondary colours, complementary colours, mixing neutrals, colour temperature and colour contrast. During this 3-Day Course each student will build a personal library of colour mixes, which will act as a reference for future painting projects undertaken in classes or at home. This experience should provide the beginner with the necessary confidence to start painting and go some way towards improving the work of more experienced students. This course is suitable for both beginners and advanced students who wish to learn more about colour.
Class size: 16 students
* This course is suitable for those considering applying for part-time certificate courses at CEAD
The Urban Landscape – Introductory/Intermediate
Code: S D/P 102
Duration: 3 days
Times: 10am to 4pm daily
Dates: 01 to 03 July
Fee: €200
Tutor: Mary Burke
This 3-day painting course will give students the opportunity to experience the process of drawing and painting an urban environment directly from observation in a safe supervised location on the NCAD campus. Students will receive step by step guidence in selecting a subject, making thumbnail sketches, scaling up on site, colour mixing and gathering revelant information for further development in the studio. On completion of this course students should have gained an understanding of what is involved in painting on site, and out of doors. This course should act as a catalyst for continued study through other courses and/or further drawing and painting in the students own time.
The course is suitable for beginers as well as more experienced students.
Class size: 16 students
May 2019
I am happy to be exhibiting at this years RHA.
April 2019
I am not at all sure that I am internationally acclaimed but I am really looking forward to exploring farms on my next project in rural Limerick!
March 2019
I was delighted to be invited to exhibit in the St. Brigid's Day exhibition in the 12 Star Gallery, Europe House, Westminster, London in January
and at Hamilton Gallery, Sligo in February. This is an exhibition of the work of 90 Women Artists who have been asked to respond
to the poem 'St. Brigid's Day 1989' by Irish poet, author and playwright Leland Bardwel. The exhibition is organised by Hamilton Gallery, with
the support of the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in association with the Irish Embassy to Great Britain as part of the annual
St Brigid’s Day events celebrating the creativity of women which are now held in Irish diplomatic missions globally each year. The show now
moves to Dublin to The Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, Kildare Street Dublin 2 ( March 6th - March 8th 2019).
The exhibition then travels to the Irish Embassy in Berlin for the St. Patrick's Day celebrations and continues there until May.
February 2019
As a token of appreciation to all the wonderful families who opened their homes to us for TOWNSCAPE each family has been presented with sets of greeting cards featuring my paintings of their homes along with the TOWNSCAPE book (an 80-page publication documenting the project). Only 2 weeks left. I am really going to miss TOWNSCAPE which has been a major part of my life for over three years. A huge thanks to curator Muireann Ni Chonaill and her team in the Laois Arts Office for making it possible and to Professor Mary P Corcoran, Jenny Haughton, Eamon Sinnott, Michelle de Forge and her team at Dunamaise, Colum O'Riordan, Simon Lincoln and all at the IAA, Monica Flynn at VAI, and all others too numerous to mention here. It has been a pleasure working with you all.
January 2019
Fantastic opening for Townscape on Saturday at Laois Arthouse. With Minister Charles Flanagan in attendance a huge crowd turned out to welcome the body of work home to Stradbally for its finale show from a 2018 tour. Here are some images of the event.
New Art Studio 01.05.1983 – 14.01.2019
Today we closed the doors on New Art Studio for the last time. We are very sad to be leaving Mary’s Abbey but proud to have been a provider of high quality studio space for visual artists in Dublin for over 35 years. I would like to especially thank my co-director Niall Wright for sharing the considerable workload involved in running the studios. I also wish to thank past directors, Ann Lynch, Tim Elford, Geraldine O’Reilly Hynes and Paul Peppard for their contributions together with the many artists who gave NAS it’s creative energy making it a great place to work in. Over 80 visual artists have availed of our facilities over the last three decades and we very much appreciate the continuous support from the Irish Art Council who funded us since we opened in 1983. Thanks also to our steering group (Sarah Durcan, Alan Phelan, Sheena Barrett and Lynda Devenney) for providing valuable advice and council in recent years. I would also like to acknowledge our former landlord Adrian Gordon who’s understanding and empathy made it possible for us to remain in a large city centre premises for all these years and Pat McGlynn and the late Eamonn Lenihan who helped maintain the building. Studio groups such as ours assist visual artists at the most fundamental level by providing a vital supportive environment to develop their practice and make work that is often exhibited nationally and internationally. The disappearance of such groups has reduced the supply of quality studio space to a critically low level, especially in central Dublin. This will ultimately undermine the entire cultural infrastructure throughout the country.
Wishing all our artists every success with their future creative projects. It has been a privilege to have known you.
Pulling down the shutter for the last time.
December 2018
Work in situ at the Primary Care Centre at Grangegorman.
I am delighted to be exhibiting in the St. Brigid's Day exhibition in the 12 Star Gallery, Europe House, Westminster, London, 23rd January – 1st February
and at Hamilton Gallery, Sligo from 16th February – 30th March 2019. This is an exhibition by Invited Women Artists who have been asked to respond
to the poem 'St. Brigid's Day 1989' by Irish poet, author and playwright Leland Bardwell.
'a robin shrilly calling to its mate'. Oil Pastel on Canvas. 20 cm x 20 cm.
November 2018
TOWNSCAPE concluded at Maynooth University Today with a seminar on The Arts and Community Engagement.
TOWNSCAPE moves to the Laois Arthouse in Stradbally in January 2019.
Visit the GUESS fundraiser exhibition at the United Arts Club (23rd November) and see if you can spot my work!
Happy to contribute to the GUESS exhibition at the United Arts Club.
TOWNSCAPE moved to Maynooth University and can be seen in the John Paul Library until November 30th.
August 2018
This is the last week of my TOWNSCAPE exhibition at the IAA. The show moves to Maynooth University in November.
Here are some installation shots.
With Tara Kennedy and Miriam Delaney (members of the team from the Irish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2018) with Muireann N Chonaill (Arts Officer at Laois County Council) at Town Talks at the Irish Architectural Archive Today. A very interesting presentation and a great turnout. This is the last week of my TOWNSCAPE exhibition at the IAA. The show moves to Maynooth University in November.
Admission & Booking
Admission Free
Access & Parking
Suitable for Children under 12
Wheelchair Access (Full)
No Car Parking Available
Delighted to see two red dots beside my paintings when I called into the RHA Today.
July 2018
Delighted to have my painting featured on the cover of the Midlands Arts and Culture Magazine.
There is also a feature on my TOWNSCAPE exhibition inside on page 9.
TOWNSCAPE continues at the Irish Architectural Archive, 45 Merrion Square until 24th August.
June 2018
Delighted to have been invited to exhibit in this exhibition.
My painting of Major Mick Mannock, an Irish airman and World War one flying ace.
Major Edward 'Mick' Mannock 1887-1918. Oil Pastel on Canvas 20 cm x 20 cm.
May 2018
Townscape is reviewed Today by Crisíin Leach in the Sunday Times.
I enjoyed our lunchtime 'Town Talk' at the Irish Architectural Archive Today. Thanks toJenny Haughton, Eithne Jordan, Muireann Ní Chonaill
and all who attended.
With John Mulholland, Chief Executive of Laois County Council, Padraig Fleming, Cathaoirleach, Muireann Ní Chonaill Arts Officer, and
Charlie Flanagan, TD, and Minister for Justice and Equality.
Monica Corcoran manager of Strategic Development, the Arts Council, with Muireann Ní Chonaill, Arts Officer of Laois County
Council and Curator of Townscape
At the launch of'Townscape' in the Irish Architectural Archive with Muireann Ní Chonaill, Arts Officer of Laois County Council and Curator of
Townscape, and Professor Mary P. Corcoran, Head of the Department of Sociology at Maynooth University.
At the launch of'Townscape' in the Irish Architectural Archive with Padraig Fleming, Cathaoirleach of Laois County Council and Seán Fleming TD.
Meeting Joe McHugh, Minister of State at the Department of Culture.
Hanging 'Townscape' in the Irish Architectural Archive Today.
April 2018
A lively visit to ‘Townscape’, by students from Dunamase College.
March 2018
Photograph by Terry Conroy
Mary Hegarty, Resident of Stradbally with my painting of her home at the opening of Townscape in the Dunamaise Arts Centre.
Photograph by Terry Conroy
Christine Hewitt, Resident of Stradbally with my painting of her home at the opening of Townscape in the Dunamaise Arts Centre.
Photograph by Terry Conroy
Katie and Dick Dillon, Residents of Stradbally with my painting of her home at the opening of Townscape in the Dunamaise Arts Centre.
Photograph by Terry Conroy
Geraldine Delaney, Resident of Stradbally with my painting of her home at the opening of Townscape in the Dunamaise Arts Centre.
Townscape Opening at Dunamaise March 10th 2018
Photographs by Terry Conroy
With Annette Maloney, Arts Council Adviser on the Government’s Per Cent for Art Scheme, Colm Murray, Architect with the Heritage Council,
Mary P Corcoran, Head of the Sociology Dept., Maynooth University, Sinead O'Reilly, Head of Local Arts, The Arts Council and Muireann Ní Chonaill,
Laois County Council Arts Officer and Curator of Townscape at the opening of Townscape at the Dunamaise Arts Centre.
Photographs by Terry Conroy
Photographs by Terry Conroy
Photographs by Terry Conroy
With Pádraig Fleming, Cathaoirleach of Laois County Council, Annette Maloney Arts Council Adviser on the Government's Per Cent for Art Scheme.
and Michelle de Forge, Director of the Dunamaise Arts Centre.
Photographs by Terry Conroy
With Ruth Clancy, Administrator of Tallaght Community Arts and Aileen Ryan.
Townscape Opening at Dunamaise March 10th 2018
February 2018
December 2017
Took advantage of the nice weather Today to visit Stradbally and take some location photos for a book documenting my TOWNSCAPE project.
TOWNSCAPE is a collaboration between the Laois Arts Office, Maynooth University, and Yours Truly, to make portraits of the homes of
12 families in Stradbally.
November 2017
Another Stradbally painting underway.
October 2017
Excellent presentation by Mary P Corcoran which includes my House Portraits Project (21.42 - 27.30)
August 2017
The framing continues...
NAS Project Space August 4th.
July 2017
Mary Burke, Labyrinth, currently showing in the NAS Project Space. See more images here.
June 2017
Pleased to be exhibiting in the 'Crazy Jane' Exhibition at the Hamilton Gallery in Sligo which opened last Tuesday.
The exhibition continues until September 2nd.
I am tired of cursing the bishop. Oil Pastel on Canvas. 20cm x 20cm.
May 2017
Another Stadbally painting underway.
April 2017
Fixing Oil Pastels on the patio.
Making progress on another Stradbally painting.
March 2017
Productive day framing.
Another Stradbally painting underway.
Getting an early start on framing!
February 2017
More Stradbally works in progress.
January 2017
There is an interesting feature in the Irish Times this weekend on the refurbishment of 54 Booterstown Avenue by its new owners. This house was bought jointly by my great-grandmother and my grandparents around 1930. My mother grew up there and four generations of the McDonaghs lived there up until my grandmother sold the house to the Rowans in 1976. I have vivid memories of frequent visits there as a child and playing with my cousins in the large very overgrown back garden.
Great to see the old house getting a new lease of life!
Here are some old photos of the house when our family lived there.
The back garden in Booterstown in 1947. My mother is on the left and the house is in the background. Also in the photo are Uncle Tony, their
uncle Paddy and their cousin Margaret Brady.
Another view of the garden in the 1940s with my uncle Paddy and Uncle Tony and their cousin Margaret Brady
I took this photo in 1974 (aged 14) of the front of the house my cousins Deirdre and Georgins and
Aunty Margory.
The previous owners give me access in the late 1990s and I took quite a lot of photos which helped
inform this body of work whichI developed from a combination of photographic reference and, of
course, memories!
A charcoal drawing I made of the living room some years back.
An Oil Pastel looking through the front door.
'Stairs at 54' Oil Pastel 2001.
December 2016
Stradbally painting No.8 is underway!
September 2016
I have just started Stradbally painting No.7
Visit My Studio on Culture Night Friday September 16th.
I share a building with 12 other artists so lots happening at NAS on Culture Night. Our studios are open from 6 to 10pm so feel free to drop in and meet the artists and view our studios.
Lots happening at NAS on Culture Night. Our studios are open from 6 to 10pm so feel free to drop in and meet the artists and view our studios.
Courses with Mary Burke at NCAD
There are still places available on two part-time drawing and painting courses that I am running in NCAD.
Drawing and Colour Studies (D/P103) is ideally suited to those seeking structured guidance in the fundamentals
of drawing and a solid introduction to colour. If you are new to art or have completed a few courses and wish to
consolidate skills you should find this course enjoyable, challanging and rewarding.
Thursday Evenings 22 Weeks 6.30 – 9pm
Commencing September 22nd
Extending Your Visual Language (AC05) is for more advanced students and may be taken as part of a certificate
or as a stand-alone non-accredited module. This course is suited to students who wish to complete a serious body
of work and will take the form of one to one tutorials each week.Ever feel isolated working alone? This course provides
a stimulating environment allowing for interaction between like-mind students together with week by week guidance
by Mary Burke who has many years experience both as a painter and as an educator. This course will provide the skills
and confidence for students to to continue working independently.
Wednesday Evenings 22 Weeks 6.30 – 9pm
Commencing September 21st
Fee €415
Download the NCAD Part-Time brochure here
Further information on the NCAD website:
August 2016
I have just started Stradbally painting No.6.
July 2016
Stradbally painting No.5 in progress. I am really enjoying this collaboration with the Laois Arts Office and Maynooth University.
June 2016
Photograph by Lorna Wakins
Glad to exhibiting in 'A Terrible Beauty' Exhibition' at the Hamilton Gallery, Sligo which opened last night.
The Hamilton Gallery invited artists to create an image 20cm x 20cm inspired by W. B. Yeats’s poem Easter, 1916. The exhibition A Terrible Beauty is Born features the work of over 70 visual artists. It is a dynamic, provocative and comprehensive response, 100 years on, by the shapers of our contemporary visual arts culture to the events of 1916, with W. B. Yeats' iconic Easter, 1916 poem used as a springboard.
The exhibition runs from 2nd June to 27th August.
Gallery opening hours Mon to Sat 10am - 5pm.
May 2016
Making progress with my Stradballly paintings. As part of a collaboration with the Laois Arts Office and Sociologist Mary Corcoran I'm making a series of portraits of the homes of 12 families in Stradbally which will be exhibited at the Dunamaise Arts Centre, Portlaoise in 2017.
April 2016
My Solo Exhibition Suburban Narratives at the Hamilton Gallery in Sligo
Great opening night. Click here to view more photos.
A few installation shots.
March 2016
All packed up and ready to go to Sligo.
'Chiaroscuro No. 5' is one of a series of new works I will be showing in my solo exhibition 'Suburban Narratives' in the Hamilton Gallery in Sligo in April.
February 2016
Nice day for fixing Oil Pastels. These works are for a solo exhibition in the Hamilton Gallery in Sligo in April.
Getting stuck into my new project TOWNSCAPE. This is a collaboration with Laois County Council Arts Office to make portraits of the homes of
12 families in Stradbally, Co. Laois.
Preparing canvases for my new project TOWNSCAPE.
Winner of The People's Choice Award at The RUA RED WINTER OPEN
I am delighted to have won the People's Choice Award 2015, a prize of €1000, sponsored by The Square Shopping Centre.
My painting was voted to be favourite by the public during The RUA RED Winter Open exhibition in December.
January 2016
Back to framing.
Busy completing work for my next solo exhibition Suburban Narratives at the Hamilton Gallery in Sligo in April.
November 2015
Very happy to be part of this year's Winter Open at RUA RED. Curated by RUA RED curator in residence Paul McAree and Helen Carey of Firestation Studios.
The show consists of 15 works by 11 artists. Exhibiting artists are Mary Burke, Dianne Whyte, Anna Hryniewicz, Kevin Lindsay, Bartosz Kolata, Ella Bertilsson,
Sarah Wilson, Christine Carey, Eilis O'Toole, Tom Clement, Richard Forrest.
The exhibition continues until December 24th.
Dublin Art Book Fair at Temple Bar Gallery.
Great opportunity to buy some lovely art publications (including House Portraits €10). The Dublin Art Book Fair runs at the Temple Bar Gallery until November 22nd
Very happy to be presenting each family with the portrait of their home. These works are returning to the homes that inspired their creation.
Happy to be exhibiting in this.
This year's selection panel consists of independent curators who have significant experience in the field of contemporary art – RUA RED curator in residence Paul McAree and Helen Carey of Firestation Studios.
As well as choosing this year's participants, they also have they will also have the job of selecting the shortlist for the RUA RED Winter Open prize, the winner of which will of which will win the People's Choice Award, sponsored by The Square Shopping Centre. The winner of this award , now in its second year, will receive a cash prize of €1000.
At this year's exhibition you will discover a wide range of works from artists such as Sarah Wilson, Bartosz Kolata, Christine Carey, Eilis O'Toole, Dianne Whyte, Mary Burke, Anna Hryniewicz and Ella Bertilsson.
October 2015
HOUSE PORTRAITS exhibition concludes at Maynooth University
My HOUSE PORTRAITS exhibition concludes Today at Maynooth University. These works will soon be residing with the
families whose homes inspired their creation.
Seminar in Maynooth University
Lee's House. Oil Pastel on Canvas. 2014.
On Wednesday October 21st a seminar in conjunction with Mary Burke's HOUSE PORTRAITS exhibition will take place in the Library Seminar Room 1, First Floor. 1200-1400.
Professor Mary P Corcoran head of the Department of Sociology will speak on "Home is where the art is: painting suburbia in Tallaght West."
All Welcome.
September 2015
Photograph by Ruth Clancy
Photograph by Ruth Clancy
Photograph by Ruth Clancy
Had a great time at the Maynooth launch of HOUSE PORTRAITS last night. A Big Thank You to Joe Duffy who made a wonderful speech.
View more images of the launch here.
Photograph by Aileen Ryan
Alfie is shattered after his accident but with a new sheet of glass and a repaired frame he'll make the opening in Maynooth on Monday!
Installing House Portraits in Maynooth University Library Today. Many thanks to Hugh McCarthy for doing an excellent job.
Lots happening at NAS on Culture Night. Our studios are open from 6 to 10pm so feel free to drop in and meet the artists and view our studios.
August 2015
Here are a few animations showing my paintings at different stages of completion.
Thanks to Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council who funded the training that enabled me to make these.
Painting of Lauren's House from Mary Burke on Vimeo.
July 2015
House Portraits has finished its run in UCD. The exhibition moves to Maynooth University in October.
Just completed teaching Summer Courses in IADT and NCAD. Tiring but enjoyable.
I have just hung a painting in the NAS Project Space. It is from my Memory Traces series. If you are passing by our studios
you will see it in our window!
June 2015
An interview with me by Dr Meabh O'Regan about preparing for HOUSE PORTRAITS can now be viewed online. Click here to view.
My HOUSE PORTRAITS book recieved a nice review from Brian McAvera in the current issue of the Irish Arts Review.
A BLAST FROM THE PAST! The Arts Council collection is now online. This is a painting I did for their School Show way back in 1986!
May 2015
HOUSE PORTRAITS was opened in the School of Architecture at UCD by Professor Mary P Corcoran, Head of Sociology at Maynooth University.
My exhibition coincides with the end of year Architechure Graduates show. Loads of visitors and plenty to see.
Photograph by Geraldine Woods
Photograph by Bernie Masterson
Photograph by Bernie Masterson
Photograph by Bernie Masterson
Photograph by Bernie Masterson
See more images of HOUSE PORTRAITS at UCD here.
All set for HOUSE PORTRAITS opening at UCD Tomorrow evening.
HOUSE PORTRAITS moves to the School of Architecture in UCD this month.The exhibition will opened by Professor Mary P Corcoran, Head of Sociology at Maynooth University on Friday May 29th at 6.30 pm and run until July 10th. My work is being exhibited in the Front Room Exhibition Space in a Georgian house on the Richview campus on the Clonskeagh Road. Thanks to Hugh McCarthy for hanging the exhibition. HOUSE PORTRAITS was curated and produced with Tallaght Community Arts..
HOUSE PORTRAITS will open in UCD on May 29th in the Front Room exhibition space on the Richview Campus. (Enter from Clonskeagh Road).
April '15
Delighted to have been awarded a Professional Development Arts Grant from Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council.
Taking down my show in RUA RED. A big thank you for all involved especially Tallaght Community Arts for taking on the project in
the first place. If you missed it in Tallaght there will be an opportunity to view it in the School of Architecture in UCD where it opens
on May 29th......
Photograph by Ruth Clancy
To mark the conclusion of HOUSE PORTRAITS in RUA RED last Saturday I gave a talk about the project in the gallery.
If you missed HOUSE PORTRAITS on NATIONWIDE you can catch it on the RTE Player.
My HOUSE PORTRAITS work will be featured on NATIONWIDE Tomorrow evening at 7pm (RTE 1)
March 2015
Photograph by Ruth Clancy
A productive day was had by all at the Oil Pastel Masterclass held last Saturday to coincide with my HOUSE PORTRAITS exhibition at RUA RED.
HOUSE PORTRAITS was curated and produced with Today.
Students from Mount Seskin Community College visiting the gallery Today.
Photograph by Bernie Masterson
Great turnout for HOUSE PORTRAITS this afternoon. A big thank you to Roddy Doyle for opening my exhibition and to all of you who came along. I really appreciate the support. HOUSE PORTRAITS was curated and produced with Tallaght Community Arts. More photos at this link
Here is a preview of the book that will accompany my exhibition HOUSE PORTRAITS. Curated and produced with Tallaght Community Arts.
Today HOUSE PORTRAITS participants got to view the paintings in advance of the official launch next Saturday. RTE was there too!
Good coverage in the Tallaght Echo for HOUSE PORTRAITS.
RTE shooting House Portraits for NATIONWIDE.
Mary Doyle in conversation with Anne Cassin.
Preparing to film in Val O'Reilly's house.
Just moved into Gallery 2 at RUA RED. The layout and hanging begins! My HOUSE PORTRAITS exhibition was curated and produced with
Tallaght Community Arts.
Almost finished framing my next exhibition House Portraits (curated with Tallaght Community Arts) which opens at RUA RED later this month. Watch this space for updates!
February 2015
Busy day framing House Portraits. Not long now to the show!
January 2015
Signing off on book content with House Portraits participants. The exhibition launch is getting closer! The exhibition which will open in RUA RED in March will be accompanied by a full colour book documenting the project and will contain a substantial text by Professor Mary Corcoran (NUI Maynooth). House Portraits is being curated with and funded by Tallaght Community Arts.
Photograph by Ann Lynch
Framing House Portraits. I am making portraits of 10 homes in Jobstown in West Tallaght. This project is curated with and funded by Tallaght Community Arts. Sociologist Mary Corcoran has interviewed residents involved with the project and her findings will be part of a book that will be launched at RUA RED in March 2015 to coincide with the paintings being exhibited in Gallery 2. Watch this space for further updates!
December 2014
I've completed the final House Portrait. Photographing it now for exhibition catalogue.
Starting to frame my House Portraits.
November 2014
Working on the last House Portraits Painting.
Check out our books on Lexicon Fine Art Press.
Alma Mater 2 is one of two paintings of mine in the Winter Open at RUA RED in Tallaght from November 15th - December 20th.
My books are selling at the Temple Bar Book Fair, Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin. 7th, 8th + 9th November 2014.
Photograph by Aileen Ryan
Fixing some of my House Portraits.
Photograph by Aileen Ryan
Close to completing my House Portraits.
September 2014
Culture Night was busy for us at New Art Studio. Lots of visitors!
I, together with other artists in New Art Studio, will open our studios to visitors from 6 to 10pm on Friday September 19th.
NAS 2-3 Mary's Abbey, off Capel Street, Dublin 7.
Carlow College in partnership with VISUAL Carlow. September 12th -13th 2014.
Carlow College in partnership with VISUAL, are presenting a two-day conference exploring artistic and cultural responses to the evolution of the Irish suburb. The conference will include readings, the launch of the Autumn exhibition season in Visual, artists talks, as well as a host of academic specialists talking about everything from the history of the Dublin suburbs to sexuality in modern Irish suburban culture.
I will be giving a presentation on my work at the Encircling Worlds Conference in VISUAL in Carlow on Friday afternoon 2pm September 12th.
Courses with Mary Burke at NCAD
There are still places on two of my courses in the CEAD autumn programme at NCAD Thomas Street. if interested contact CEAD
CEAD Continuing Education in Art and Design, National College of Art and Design, 100 Thomas Street, Dublin 8 Telephone 636 42 14
Website www.ncad.id
NCAD CEAD Autumn Programme
Course fee: €415
Day: Wednesday evening 6.30 – 9.30 pm
Tutor: Mary Burke, BA, MA, MA (Digital Media Technologies).
Start Date: 24th September
Duration: 22 weeks
Location: NCAD Thomas Street
This course is suited to students who have several years drawing and painting experience and wish to develop their work beyond the structure of the class. The course will be project based and will require an additional input of three hours per week outside of class time. There will be a strong emphasis on research methods and information gathering. Students will be encouraged to embark on a series of related works and set their own long-term projects. Students will be expected to provide much of their own source material however a series of short projects will be set in term 1 to provide a framework from which students can start to develop their own research.
There will also be an optional life drawing/painting block. Guidance will be given on the editing and manipulation of material so that it can be integrated into a cohesive body of work. This course should help students to become more autonomous in their work practice. Tuition will be given individually as well as at a group level. Presentation for assessment for credits is optional.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this course students should be able to:
• Demonstrate a structured personal research methodology through the use of notebooks,drawings, and possibly a digital camera.
• Progress a single idea through a number documented stages and processes which caninform the development of finished works.
• Present a series of related works for display.
This course can be taken as a single module or as credit option resulting in a certificate in Visual Art Practice.
Students who successfully complete a Certificate course with CEAD can apply to the part-time Diploma course NFQL7
D/P 103 Mary Burke
Drawing and Colour Studies : Introduction
This course will provide an introduction to drawing and working from observation. Through a series of projects students will be given instruction in composition, proportion, tone and texture. Colour mixing and colour theory will form an integral part of the course programme. Over the 22 weeks students will be introduced to a wide range of drawing and painting materials. The aim is to provide students with the necessary skills and confidence to continue working on their own and/or to progress with their art education to other courses within the CEAD programme.
Course Fee €365
Thursday Evening 6.30 - 9pm
16 Students
Start Date: 25th September
Duration: 22 weeks
Photograph by Tadashi Kato
I'm busy working on my House Portraits project. Here I am photographed with some of the participants. I am making portraits of 10 homes in West Tallaght with Tallaght Community Arts. Sociologist Mary Corcoran has interviewed residents involved with the project and her findings will be part of a book that will be launched at RUA RED in March 2015 to coincide with the paintings being exhibited in Gallery 2.
The exhibition will
tour to a number of venues during 2015-2016. On conclusion of the project each resident will be presented with the portrait of their home.
I will be exhibiting in the Enniskillen Visual Arts Open from September 11th to October 11th.
107 selected exhibitors will be all showcasing their work in the Higher Bridges Gallery at The Clinton Centre,
Enniskillen during the Fermanagh arts festival (www.flive.org.uk)
August 2014
Photographing more of my House Portraits Paintings.
My House Portraits Paintings are progressing - eight completed now.
Some evening shots of Tallaght I took for my House Portraits Project. I am collaborating with Tallaght Community Arts to make portraits of the
homes of 10 residents in Jobstown.
You can now preview all my books on my books page on this website. Also check out the Lexicon Fine Art Press website.
July 2014
I have just started a new work in my House Portraits series.
This project is being managed and funded by Tallaght Community Arts.
I have just hung a painting in the NAS Project Space. If you are passing our studios you will see it in our window!
June 2014
A little movie I made some years ago.
Photographs by Bernie Masterson
Photographing my House Portraits paintings.
May 2014
Photograph by Bernie Masterson
A studio visit by participants in my House Portraits Project was very well attended. I am making portraits of 10 homes in West Tallaght with Tallaght Community Arts. Sociologist Mary Corcoran has interviewed residents involved with the project and her findings will be part of a book that will be launched at RUA RED in March 2015 to coincide with the paintings being exhibited in Gallery 2.
The exhibition will
tour to a number of venues during 2015-2016. On conclusion of the project each resident will be presented with the portrait of their home.
See more photos here.

Check out our books on Lexicon Fine Art Press.
Lexicon Fine Art Press was established by artists Mary Burke and Bernie Masterson in 2013. Our initial idea was to make and publish
books of our own art work to accompany solo exhibitions and to document our work at an affordable cost. Since our book collaboration we
have discovered an interest in extending this service to other arts professionals.
Studio ready for a visit from students from Mount Seskin Community College.
April 2014
Image on poster by yours truly!
Work for my next solo 'House Portraits' is progressing well. 'House Portraits' is being managed and funded by
Tallaght Community Arts.
Some recent press coverage of my show in Draíocht (November 2013 - February 2014).
March 2014
NCAD Summer Courses
Colour Mixing Workshop
DATES 7 July – 9 July FEE €145
TUTOR Mary Burke S D/P 103
The purpose of this 3 day course is to introduce students to basic colour theory as it relates to painting
and to provide a better understanding of how colours react with one another. This course will involve a
series of exercises to give students a clear understanding of the colour wheel, primary and secondary
colours, complementary colours, mixing neutrals, colour temperature and colour contrast. During this
3-Day Course each student will build a personal library of colour mixes, which will act as a reference for
future painting projects undertaken in classes or at home. This experience should provide the beginner
with the necessary confidence to start painting and go some way towards improving the work of more
experienced students. This course is suitable for both beginners and advanced students who wish to
learn more about colour.
Class size: 16 students See last years students work here.
The Urban Landscape – Introductory/Intermediate
DATES 14 July – 16 July FEE €145
TUTOR Mary Burke S D/P 102
This 3-day course will give students the opportunity to experience the process of drawing and painting
an urban environment directly from observation in a safe supervised location on the NCAD campus.
Students will receive step by step guidence in selecting a subject, making thumbnail sketches, scaling
up on site, colour mixing and gathering revelant information for further development in the studio. On
completion of this course students should have gained an understanding of what is involved in painting
on site. This course should act as a catalyst for continued study through other courses and/or further
drawing and painting in the students own time.
The course is suitable for beginers as well as more experienced students.
Class size: 16 students
Website www.ncad.ie
National College of Art & Design
100 Thomas Street,
Dublin 8
Telephone 01 636 42 14
Email cead@staff.ncad.ie
Website www.ncad.ie
Download Full Summer Brochure On NCAD website
View images from last summer here
The Project continues with 2nd year students in Mount Seskin Community College....
February 2014
I am working with students from Mount Seskin Community College inTallaght under an Artists in the Classroom initiative. Over the next five weeks 2nd year students will be introduced to my work practice. View some images here.
January 2014
This is the last week of my exhibition Memory Traces at Draíocht in Blanchardstown. Open Monday - Saturday 10am -6pm.
There is a review of my exhibition at Draíocht in the new issue of the VAN (Visual Artists News Sheet). You can read Mary Nolan's review of my show here.
December 2013
My exhibition at Draíocht continues until February 1st. The gallery is open Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 6pm.
Getting started on my next project House Portraits.
This project is being managed and funded by Tallaght Community Arts.
November 2013
Patrick Deeley opening Mary Burke's exhibition Memory Traces at Draíocht.
My solo exhibition Memory Traces at Draíocht is now open and continues until February 1st 2014. View launch images here.
Installing exhibition at Draíocht.
All ready for delivery to Draíocht.
My solo exhibition Memory Traces opens at the Draíocht Arts Centre, Blanchardstown, Dubln on November 22nd and continues until February 1st 2014
Preview my Draíocht Book on BLURB.
My books have arrived!
October 2013
Cleaning up the edges of my paintings for my solo exhibition at Draíocht next month.
Great turnout at Goodbody for their exhibition in aid of the Solas Project. Over 60 artists exhibiting including Bernadette Madden, Mary Burke, Joe Dunne, Allyson Keehan, Marie-Louise Martin, Eoin MacLochlainn, Stephen Lawler, Gwen O'Dowd, Veronica Bolay, Gary Coyle and many more…
September 2013
View images of New Art Studio on Culture Night Here!
Anniversary, celebrating 30 years of New Art Studio opens at our Pop up Space in Capel Buildings on Culture Night. The exhibition continues until September 26th. Exhibiting artists include Mary Burke, Ivan Connolly, Eithne Carr, Judy Carroll Deeley, Tim Elford, Kathy Herbert, Allyson keehan, Laura Kelly, Ann Lynch, Bernie Masterson, Margaret O'Hagan, Damien O'Reilly, Geraline O'Reilly Hynes, Karen Ryan, Leonard Sheil, Irene Uhlemann and Niall Wright.
Our Studios are also open on Culture. Visit us at both venues!
Visit me on Culture Night! Our Studios at NAS (2-3 Marys Abbey, Dublin 7) will be open to the public on Culture Night from 6pm -10 pm. All Welcome.
July 2013
My Colour Mixing Summer Course at NCAD has just finished view images from the workshop here.
June 2013
See Mary Burke's work currently showing at the NAS Project Space, 2-3 Mary's Abbey, Dublin 7. View Here.
Mary Burke will be exhibiting in The Still Life and Interiors Exhibition, curated by Bernadette Madden, at Gormley Fine Art, Dublin. Gormleys will present an eclectic mix of still life and interior paintings by 15 leading artists including James English RHA, Mary Burke, Sahoko Blake, Campbell Bruce HRHA, Raphael Hynes, Stephen Johnston, Myra Jago, Allyson Keehan, Bernadette Madden, Trudie Mooney, Bláthnaid Ní Mhurchú, Maria O Brien, Katy Simpson, Dorothy Smith, Una Sealy ARHA and Jacqueline Stanley.
Dublin Gallery - 25 South Frederick Street, Dublin 2. June 13th - July 4th 2013.
May 2013
Visit 2013, Saturday 11th May, Sunday 12th May, is a weekend event which will see artist's studios organisations all over Dublin city opening their doors to the public. Artists make their artworks in buildings that are scattered throughout the city, and Visit 2013 invites you to enter these usually private spaces, talk to the artists and see their work first hand.
In Dublin City, artist's studios old and new exist in a variety of buildings including industrial warehouses, Georgian buildings, converted stables and former shop units. You might not be aware that the building on the corner or down the road from your house is actually a hub of artistic activity. If you have ever been curious about what goes on inside an artists studios, Visit 2013 is your chance to find out!
Mary Burke's studio at New Art Studio, Mary's Abbey, Dublin will be open to visitors on Sunday May 12th from 12 noon to 6 pm.
Check out the VISIT website and here for photos of the day!
April 2013
Another painting underway!
March 2013
A productive weekend in the studio!
February 2013
Mary Burke will be exhibiting in the DLR Open Exhibition at the Concourse Exhibition Space in County Hall, Dun Laoghaire from February 22nd to March 12th The submission process was open to artists who have studied in, are originally from, or are living or working in, the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown area. The exhibition was selected by Dalkey resident and Director of Solomon Fine Art, Tara Murphy. The exhibition features a range of work including painting, print, photography and sculptue."I was delighted with the excellent response to the Open Submission Exhibition this year. With almost 200 entrants and over 500 exhibits to choose from, having to whittle the list down to just 69 exhibits was a daunting but enjoyable task. With the invaluable help of the Arts Office I hope the final selection highlights both the outstanding local talent and the diverse range of media presented. With exceptional examples of painting, sculpture, photography, textiles, glass and ceramics on display, the Open Submission Exhibition is sure to be an unmissable and rewarding show in dlr County Council's consistently engaging visual arts calendar." Tara Murphy, Exhibition Selector.
January 2013
A painting by Mary Burke from the UK National Art Collection can now be viewed online on the BBC website: Click here to view.
December 2012
October 2012
Work by studio artists is continuously on display at our Project Space Check us out at 2-3 Mary's Abbey, Dublin7.
September 2012
We had over 700 visitors on Culture Night. View images of the night Here!
Visit our studios on Culture Night!
Drop in and view NAS Studio on Culture Night.
View work in progress in the artists studios as well as two exhibitions in the ground floor exhibition spaces.
Friday September 21st (we are open from 6pm to 10 pm.)
NAS Studio 2-3 Mary's Abbey, (off Capel Street, Dublin7.
August 2012
My work can be seen in two exhibitions at NAS next month. Wish You Were Here is a fundraiser postcard exhibition at the NAS Project Space 2-3 Mary's Abbey, featuring postcard size works by studio artists. Ensemble is a large group exhibition of work by NAS artists to be held at no. 4 Mary's Abbey. Both exhibitions will open on Friday September 21st to coinside of Dublin Culture Night. Our studios will also be open to the public on Culture Night. Visitors welcome!
July 2012

The start of a new painting!
June 2012
May 2012
'Suburban Portrait' at The Linked Exhibition at BLOCK B
View images of the Set Up Here!
The Keep Us Posted Exhibition
'Composite ' Photomontage at the Keep Us Posted Exhibition in BLOCK B
New Art Studio will be participating in LINK CULTUREFEST, a weekend festival that aims to showcase and celebrate the culture, art and people that make up the diverse community that exists in Smithfield and its surrounding areas. Between the 25th and the 27th of May LINK CULTUREFEST will host a
series of events for the public, participating artists and curators. The three day programme will feature Art Exhibitions, Live Concerts, Open Studios, Artist Talks, Live Street Art, Outdoor Screenings and Performances. LINK CULTUREFEST is co-ordinated by BLOCK T in partnership with studios including New Art Studio, The Joinery, d.ploy/bio.space 033, The Complex, Market Studios, Supafast Building,Ormond Studios, Brunswick Mill Studios, Flatpack Studios, The Chancery Studios, The Visual Arts Centre, The Little Green St. Gallery and Loom Studios. LINK CULTUREFEST is kindly supported by Dublin City Council, The Arts Council, The French Embassy in Ireland and Smithfield Area Business Association
View my work in the Linked Exhibition at BLOCK B in Smithfiled Square (opening on May 25th) and The Keep Us Posted Exhibition which opens on May 26th. Visit me at my studio at NAS (2-3 Marys Abbey, Dublin 7) on Sunday May 27th from 12 - 6 pm.
April 2012
You can now also follow me on wordpress.
March 2012
Mary Burke March 22nd - March 28th at the NAS Project Space
Work by studio artists is continuously on display at our projectspace@NAS. Check us out at 2-3 Mary's Abbey, Dublin7.
Mary Burke will be teaching two Summer Courses at NCAD in July: Colour Theory Workshop (July 9th - 13th) and Drawing and Painting - An Urban Perspective (July 16th - 20th) Click here to download the NCAD Summer Brochure.
Mary Burke will be teaching An Introduction to Portraiture in the Summer School at IADT (July 2nd - 6th) Click here for details
February 2012
Mary Burke will be exhibiting new work at projectspace@NAS from September 29th. The title of her exhibition is Panorama. Watch this space for further details!
January 2012
December 2011
We now have a permanent display area at New Art Studio - projectspace@NAS. There will be continuous rotating exhibitions of work by studio and invited artists. Work will be on show from December 15th.
Mary Burke's books can be viewed and purchased at Dublin Art Book Fair and Magazine Archive which will take place at Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin from December 2nd to December 4th.
November 2011
Mary Burke will be participating in the Art for Marriage Equality art exhibition and auction which will be held at 14/15 St Stephen's Green (corner of Dawson St and Stephen's Green) on Friday and Saturday, November 25th & 26th. Proceeds will benefit Marriage Equality.
Auctioneer: Eamon O'Connor, Director Adams.
Participating Artists: Pauline Bewick (donated by Katherine Zappone) | Terry Bradley (donated by Caroline Downey) | Mary Burke | Loretto Cooney | Diana Copperwhite | Mark P Cullen | Stephen Cullen | Dave Daly | Gabhann Dunne | Hugh Fitzgerald Ryan | Jim Fitzpatrick | Annmarie Greevy | Odile Hendrick | Clinton Kirkpatrick | Aine Macken | Anne Madden | Steven Mannion | Rachel Mathews-McKay | Claudette Matthews | Marc Matthews | Bernie Masterson | Selma McCormack | Ann Meldon Hugh | Claire Noons | Blaithin O'Ciobhain (donated by Grainne Healy) | Dee Parfait (donated by Ann Louise Gilligan) | Tootsie Royale | Sarah Ryan | Will St Leger | Louise Walsh
View works on facebook here
September 2011
Culture Night at NAS Studio.
The artists of New Arts Studio will be staging a group exhibition Miscellany in the showroom on the ground floor. The studios upstairs will also be open to the public from 6 pm on September 23rd. Artists exhibiting in Miscellany include: Mary Burke. Frank Carty,Jackie Duignan,Tim Elford, Aidan Mc Dermott, Bernie Masterson, Margaret O'Hagan,Ger O'Reilly Hynes, Karen Ryan and Niall Wright.
Book Launch
A New Book SPACES and PLACES: A Suburban Art Trail was launched in Tallaght on September 15th.
"Mary Burke's Suburban Art Trail takes the viewer on a physical journey through six public spaces in Jobstown,Tallaght, where a series of her paintings on the theme of suburbia were displayed individually. The venues were; a medical centre, an adult education centre, a church, a primary and secondary school and a community education centre. In addition paintings were placed in four private houses to be viewed by family and friends.
The Suburban Art Trail was curated with residents from Jobstown, West Tallaght and coordinated by Tallaght Community Arts in partnership with Mary Burke."
Click here for invite
Click here to preview the book!
View Launch Images here.
Solo Exhibition
Mary Burke will be exhibiting her solo exhibition IMAGINED SPACES at New Art Studio, Dublin in September. The exhibition will include works shown at RUA RED earlier this year along side some new works. The exhibition opens on Thursday September 1st and continues until September 12th.
View the exhibition here!
July '11
Mary Burke will be teaching two courses in CEAD at NCAD this autumn.
Extending Your Visual language (AC05) and Drawing and Colour Studies (D/P 103).
Mary Burke will be teaching the following courses in NCAD during the month of July:
Colour Theory Workshop July 11th - 15th
Drawing and Painting - An Urban Perspective July 18th - 22nd
Check the NCAD website for details.
June 2011
Mary Burke has two works included in LEVEL, a group exhibition curated by Bernadette Madden, at the Dunamaise Arts Centre. The Exhibition opened on June 17th and continues until July 30th.
28 pieces have been selected, including work by Cora O'Brien, Brendan O'Flaherty, Bernie Masterson, Bennie Reilly, Conor Walton, Aoife Barrett, Stephen Lawlor, Joe Dunne, Bridget Flinn, Mary Burke, Eoin MacLochlainn, Lorraine Walsh, Myra Jago, Paul MacCormaic, Heidi Nguyen, Mairia O'Brien, Angela Fewer, Eileen Mills and Balazs Keresztury. Entry to the exhibition is free and all members of the public are invited to the gallery to take a look at the work. Dunamaise Art Centre also want to hear what you think-please fill out one of the comment slips and choose your favourite work. They will present an Audience Award to the piece that gets the highest votes!
View my works here!
View launch images here!
May 2011
Click here to view some of their work!
April 2011
Mary Burke will undertake a residency at Cloverhill Prison, Dublin. This residency is funded under the Arts Council Artists in Prisons Scheme and will be of two weeks duration.
Mary Burke's work can now be viewed on Art Slant
March 2011
Three new publications on Mary Burke's work are now available to view and buy.
Check them out here!
February 2011
Mary Burke gave a talk and presentation on SPACES and PLACES to students at Marino Institute of Education, Dublin. The students used the exhibition as a starting point for their own photographic project.
January 2011
Mary Burke: SPACES and PLACES - Imagined Spaces at RUA RED
Mary Burke's solo exhibition Imagined Spaces presented by Tallaght Community Arts opened at RUA RED on January 22nd and will continue until February 19th. The exhibition was opened by Professor Mary Corcoran, Department of Sociology, NUI Maynooth. Cilck here to view launch images.
View Mary Corcoran's opening address here!
Dectember 2010
DLR Capital Grant
Mary Burke has been awarded a Capital Grant under Dunlaoghaire-Rathdown County Council's Arts Office Grants Scheme to purchase photographic equipment.
20/20 is a group exhibition of work 20cm x 20 cm. The show opens on Friday December 17th at 6pm. Exhibitiing artists include Mary Burke, Jackie Duignan, Bernie Masterson, Ann Lynch, Aidan Mc Dermott, Margaret O'Hagan, Ger O'Reilly, Karen Ryan, and Niall Wright. The show continues until December 20th.
September 2010
Mary Burke's painting Evening Shadows 2 appears on the front cover of the book Suburban Affiliations - Social Relations in the Greater Dublin area by Mary P. Corcoran, Jane Gray, Michel Peillon. The Irish edition is published by UCD Press and was launched by David Mc Williams at the Royal irish Academy in Dawson Street, Dublin on September 28th.
NAS Studio opened on Culture Night.
The artists opened their doors to the public on September 24th from 6pm to 10.00 pm. This provided a rare opportunity to look behind the scenes and see how artwork is created and to meet the artists.There was also be an exhibition on the ground floor. The 'Square Show' featured works by studio artists and associates. Each artist was asked to exhibit between one and three works. Each work was 30 cm square in size. The works are for sale and the exhibition will continue until Sunday October 3rd.
View photos of Culture Night on Flicker!
August 2010
Mary Burke's solo exhibition Suburban Shadows opened at the Dunamaise Arts Centre, Portlaoise on August 20th and will continue until October 3rd 2010.Mary Burke gave a talk and demonstration on the medium of Oil Pastel in the gallery on August 20th prior to the exhibition opening.
View photos of the opening on Flicker!
July 2010
Mary Burke will exhibit at the 2010 Boyle Arts Festival from July 22nd to July 31st 2010. Click here for further details:
Mary Burke will be teaching the following courses in NCAD during the month of July:
Colour Theory Workshop (NCAD 12.07.2010 - 16.07.2010)
Drawing and Painting - An Urban Perspective (NCAD 19.07.2010 - 23.07.2010)
Each course runs for 5 full days. Check out the college websites for booking details. (NCAD and IADT)
June 2010
Mary Burke will be teaching Oils and Acrylics at IADT 21.06.10 - 25.06.2010)
April 2010
Mary Burke's work 'Wing Mirror' was sold in the Art Auction for Haiti which was organised by de Veres Art Auctions and held at the D4 Ballsbridge Court Hotel, Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4 on April 26th. All proceeds go to the Haiti Appeal.
Mary Burke completed an Arts Council Artists in Prison Residency in the Training Unit Prison at Mountjoy, Dublin. The objective of this residency was to introduce students to Colour Theory.
March 2010
Invited to exhibit at the Boyle Arts Festival 2010. The festival is in it's 21st year and will open on Thursday July 22nd 2010. Mary Burke is represented in the Boyle Civic Collection.
January 2010
Mary Burke's painting Evening Shadows 2 will appear on the cover of a new book: Suburban Affiliations - Social Relations in the Greater Dublin Area. It's authors are Mary P. Corcoran, Jane Gray and Michael Peilon. The book is due to be published in April 2010 by Syracuse University Press in the United States and in Ireland by University College Dublin Press.Click here for further details:
December 2009
Invited to exhibit work in the Christmas Exhibition at the Cavehill Gallery, Belfast. The exhibition opened on December 3rd and continued until December 19th 2009.
September 2009
NAS Studio was open to the public on Culture Night, Friday September 25th 2009. This provided a rare opportunity to look behind the scenes, see how artwork is created, and to meet the artists. There 14 artists (11 full members and 3 associate members). Current members are Anna Boyle, David Browne, Mary Burke, Eithne Carr, Francis Carty, Tim Elford, Ann Lynch, Maggie Madden, Bernie Masterson, Aidan McDermott, Mark O'Kelly, Ger O'Reilly, Karen Ryan and Niall Wright. There was an exhibition of finished works on the first floor of the building. The night was a great success. We had almost 200 visitors. See photos on the Studio Website!
August 2009
Exhibited work in the Dunamaise OPEN held at the Dunamaise Arts Centre, Portlaoise. The Dunamaise OPEN featured artists from across the country in an exhibtion selected by Martin Gale. Exhibiting artists included: Jackie Askew, Mary Burke, Loretto Cooney, Gerard Cox, Camilla Fanning, Angela Fewer, Pat Fitzpatrick, Isabelle Gaborit, Tony Gunning, Allyson Keehan, Clodagh Kelly, Emmet Kierans, Bernie Masterson, Liz Matthews, Ruth McDonnell, Cecilia Moore, Maria O'Brien, Nuala O'Sullivan, Alice Peillon, Robert Peters, Frances Ryan, Celine Sheridan, Sarah Stevens, Lorraine Tuck, Dave West, Dianne Whyte. The exhibition ran from August 28th to October 10th 2009.
June 2009
Mary Burke's solo exhibition, Suburban Shadows, took place at the Toradh Gallery in Ashbourne Co. Meath from June 11th to July 17th 2009. The show was opened by Meath County Manager Tom Dowling. View photos of the Opening Night on Flicker!
April 2009
Completed a two week Arts Council 'Artists in Prisons' residency at the Training Unit at Mountjoy, Dublin in April 2009. The objectives of this residency were to introduce students to the not widely used medium of Oil Pastel and to demonstrate the possibilities of combining this meduim with other media in addition to using it as a stand alone medium.
Mary Burke was awarded an Arts Council Bursary. The Arts Council received a total of 390 applications for this award and has offered a total of 68 awards in response.